Coaching and Yoga

Coaching and Yoga is a powerful combination to help you navigate change while maintaining wellbeing and a healthy mindset.

How could coaching and yoga help you?

My clients say it’s my somewhat unusual mix of skills and life experience that gives them added value.

During my time as a change communications specialist in large corporates, my specialism became helping companies with large culture and behaviour change programmes communicate effectively with their staff. At times I realised that much of my work was moving into coaching middle managers to cope with the changes, both personally and professionally. So to develop this further, in 2010 I self-funded a Masters qualification in coaching and mentoring at Oxford Brookes University. 

Exercise and movement have always been an important part of my personal self-care routine. In my late teens I also discovered the benefits of yoga. The sense of peace and rest it brought for my mind and soul, together with the flexibility, strength and restoration it gave my body. Over the years I tried many forms of yoga and developed a personal practice that helped me manage stress and anxiety wherever I was working or living. In 2016 I decided to deepen my practice further with teacher training and I’m currently working toward my Advanced Yoga Teacher qualification.   

In today's ever-changing world, we’re often told that resilience can make all the difference in navigating change well. But how do we master resilience?

Keeping our mind, body and spirit in good shape is an essential factor in building resilience. In my view, our mental health and physical health are inseparable. The mind and the body are like our heart, vital ‘muscles’ they need regular, consistent attention to help them be nourished, rested, replenished and moved.

Maintaining our wellbeing is our top priority.

If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it's that maintaining our wellbeing is our top priority. Establishing a culture of wellbeing takes self-responsibility, time, training and practice. It doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming either. Take personal responsibility. Add some small steps each day, build a regular practice, be consistent and over time you will reap wellbeing benefits.

‘I help individuals and businesses navigate change by establishing wellbeing. I use a blend of coaching, yoga and mindfulness approaches, together with my extensive experience in change. Working together, we build lasting wellbeing cultures that benefit both their personal and professional life.’

What is the journey?


Helps you understand your body and mind more.

Life/Mindset Coaching

Helps you understand your own life journey. Where you are right now and helps you explore where you'd like to be.

Both provide lasting wellbeing benefits

Particularly if done as part of a structured, supported self-development journey. They can help you understand yourself more, while building lasting wellbeing, resilience and a positive outlook on life.

Self-study and home practice can be a good place to begin to build awareness about what suits you. But they require discipline, consistency and focus. Working with a qualified and experienced coach or teacher can really magnify and deepen your learning. A coach or teacher is there to walk the path with you, there to not only help you focus, build skills and get close to what’s important, but to work through the really thorny issues. Delving deep into what’s really keeping you stuck, exploring what’s holding you back, discovering what’s lurking in the shadows and keep you accountable. Then exploring future options and your “where next.”

Sarah’s journey.

Meet one of my coaching and yoga clients, Sarah Williams.

After years of therapy, Sarah is finding a combination of group yoga classes and specific phases of coaching continue to make a lasting difference to her life.

How Bridgette is helping me


Coaching and yoga go hand-in-hand

“Take action! An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention“

- Steve Maraboli